Jenny Opdahl Borgen
In this interview we talk to Jenny Opdahl Borgen, a tattoo artist from Norway that started tattooing in December of 2022. She talks about her background in art school, dreams of opening her own studio, and one of her clients with an extreme pain tolerance.

What made you want to become a tattoo artist?
“I had always liked drawing and was constantly drawing on my self when I was little and most members in my family are covered in tattoos. I was always very unsure of what I wanted to work with when I got older. I went to art school for 3 years and was sure I was going to work with interior design, but I got so bored of it and took my chance and looked for a place to get my apprenticeship. ”

What tattoo styles are you favorite to work in?
“I have been tattooing since December 2022, so I haven't found my style quite yet, but I do think Neotrad is pretty fun and doing small silly animals is very fun to do.”

Any advice for someone looking to start a tattoo apprenticeship?
“As a apprentice myself I would say always have a good portfolio, and don't be afraid to ask tattoostudios to be an apprentice, you just have to take a chance. And its gonna be hard in the beginning and there is a lot to learn, but there will be a big payoff. And most importantly that you are in a workplace that makes you happy. Don't stay in a place that treats you like shit, thats not worth it.”

Who do you look up to in the tattoo industry?
“The person who kind of inspired me to get into the industry is a tattoo artist my mother knows, he did my first tattoo too. He is a very talented artist and really inspired me to make a portfolio and start this journey. It was so cool to see what he could accomplish, I was very impressed. His name is Biex, he is from Romania and has recently opened a studio too, so I hope too do that someday also.”

Any funny stories from your time in the industry?
“Only really that one of my clients fell asleep so deep that he scored, but he snored so loud that the whole studio heard it.”

Any memorable experiences?
“I haven't really had any memorable experiences yet, but there once was this client who really wanted me to do a freehand design on her, of my own choosing and all. So I was very flattered by that. That she really just trusted me as an apprentice to draw anything that I wanted.”
Jenny's skills really speaks for themselves. Only having been tattooing for since December of 2022 she has already developed a unique style that is sure to impress. If you are looking for a tattoo artist in Norway, Jenny is definitely one to check out. You can find her out on instagram @ink_by_jenny or at her studio Sabel Ink Tattoo Lillestrøm